Service Music




 Kyrie from Mass for Grace (An die Ferne Geliebte) – Dennis Northway


Unison congregation and organ in Gb major.

Composed 16 July, 1995 and finished at 8:00 p.m. on the island of Aruba.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Kyrie

Download: Kyrie




Sanctus for Grace Church – Dennis Northway


Scored for Congregation, Descant and Organ – a stunning setting of the text ca. 2005.  



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Sanctus

Download: Sanctus




Gloria for Grace Church - Dennis Northway


Congregation, Organ and descant. 

Composed for the Celebration of Mutual Ministries and Installation of Shawn Schreiner as Rector of Grace Episcopal Church 30, October, 2007. 

The text is a careful reworking to remove masculine references to God done by me with consultation by Dr. Randall Warren.


NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Gloria

Download: Gloria




Vocatus et Non Vocatus - Canone @ 5 Voci - Dennis Northway


Composed in Italy on the text "Vocatus, et non vocatus, Deus ad est." Dated 10 August, 2007

It could be translated:    Bidden, or not bidden, God is.


NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Vocatus et non Vocatus

Download: Vocatus