Unison congregation and organ in Gb major.
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open the pdf.
Sanctus for
Grace Church –
Dennis Northway
Scored for
Congregation, Descant and Organ – a stunning setting of the text ca. 2005.
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on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.
Congregation, Organ and descant.
Composed for the Celebration of Mutual Ministries and Installation of Shawn Schreiner as Rector of Grace Episcopal Church 30, October, 2007.
The text is a careful reworking to remove masculine references to God done by me with consultation by Dr. Randall Warren.
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on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.
et Non Vocatus - Canone @ 5 Voci - Dennis
Composed in
It could be translated: Bidden, or not bidden, God is.
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on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.